Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cloud Covers

1 Pink Tent, 2 Tent Undone, 3 Forgotten Tent, 4 Two Tents

I'm gearing up for Camp NaNoWriMo for the month of April by wrapping up my children's chapter book C.L.O.U.D. series with the final book, number four.

The Camp NaNoWriMo website has a place to put a small cover, advertising your work-in-progress. Naturally, I couldn't do just one...that would be lopsided. So I spent the morning working on the covers for all four books.

April starts in two days; I need to figure out my game plan.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Raining Dirty Gumballs

Raining Gumballs
"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!"

Raining Gumballs - detail

I can't even believe how long this collage sat in my studio in pieces. I had the idea, but I just couldn't get it to look it squatted on one desk, then the other, constantly moving around and always in the way. Inevitable the letters would blow off and I'd crawl around looking for them...


I finally decided that the gumball machine was too big for the canvas and cut it down. Wow! Making a decision and following through made all the difference in the world. Months and months of staring at this pile then - pow! - the pieces flew into place. It felt good to get things glued down.

This illustration is for my kid's room...where there are two gumball machines on her shelf. When I asked her what she thought, she asked, "Why are the gumballs dirty?"

The other family members hadn't realized the gumballs were raining down or that the white circles were supposed to be clouds. Bubbles, yes...clouds, no.

Dirty gumballs, indeed. Like it or lump it, kid. It's going on the wall.