Oh, lordy. . . a list of links! Lots of good sites to explore here. If you have a suggestion or two, drop me a line: stacialeigh at espialdesign dot com.
Writing in November with NaNoWriMo
How to write emotionally abusive villains
The black moment...What is it?Writing Workshops by Discovering Story Magic
Character building interviews (4 Methods) by Laurie Schnebly Campbell
Discover Story Magic Workshops
Writing a Killer Logline by Graeme Shimmin
Welcome to the U.S. Copyright Office
Write a Synopsis Like a Pro at Writer's Digest
Effectiviology: Articles on social psychology (Great for character development!)
Tips on writing heists by author Charles Kunken
Tips on writing heists by author Charles Kunken
How to Write a Love Story by Rachelle Ramirez (based on The Story Grid by Shawn Coyne)
Rhymezone - Find rhymes, synonyms, adjectives and more!
Rhymezone - Find rhymes, synonyms, adjectives and more!
Savanah Gilbo: You don't have to write alone!
What's a word cloud and how to make one with Tag Crowd
Comma news from Sesquiotica: Words, Words, Words
One more thing to worry about...The Straight Versus Curly Apostrophe
Make your writing bold and clear with Hemingwayapp.com
Self publish and distribute with Draft2Digital and Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (kdp)
Find an editor at the guild
ISBN numbers at Bowker Identifier Services
BIG, BIG List of Indie Publishers and Small Presses by The Nonconformist
BIG, BIG List of Indie Publishers and Small Presses by The Nonconformist
Subscription-based, submission-tracker company for writers and artists: Duotrope
Cloud Convert: file converter
The Best Book Review Blogs of 2021 curated with love by Reedsy
Create your QR code for free with QR Code Generator
QR codes, business cards, eye-catching designs by Vistaprint
Support independent bookstores by purchasing through Bookshop.org
Beautiful packaging made easy at Box Genie
Need book cover design help? Contact Stacia_design@espialdesign.com
Visit Depositphotos for your royalty-free images, videos, vectors, illustrations, and music needs
335 million free stock photos at Foter
Google Fonts offers 1052 font families for free
The Book Cover Designer - Claims the largest selection of premade book covers online!
Who's got the coolest premade ebook designs? EspialDesign on Etsy!
Creative Commons - FAQ
Drawing in October with Inktober
The doodle king, Jim Bradshaw
Illustrator's Lounge (previously known as Illustration Friday)
Paper collage artist Kia Hing Fay at PaperHang
Nina Frenkel's Paper Collage Art Blog to 2011
Broken Thoughts about Broken Bones by The Lost Plot
Red Bull: A Beginner's Dictionary to Skiing Terms
50+ Useful Skiing Expressions and Ski Terms You'll Hear on the Slopes
50+ Useful Skiing Expressions and Ski Terms You'll Hear on the Slopes
Learning to Relax When You're a Driven Person by AsianEfficiency
Children of Hoarders: A grassroots, all-volunteer, not-for profit organization
The American States Assemblies says, "Peace has been declared in America!"
John-Henry Hill's Law Blog: The Three Flags of the United States
The 1927 Murder that Became a Media Circus--and a Famous Movie on History.com
"Saving Girls": Montana State Vocational School for Girls by Montana Women's History
"Saving Girls": Montana State Vocational School for Girls by Montana Women's History
Helena History: State Vocational School for Girls headlines
Helena History: House of the Good Sheppard
Montana Children's Center in Twin Bridges by Distinctly Montana
Scrawlings in Solitude by Martin J. Kidston with the Independent Record
Internet Archive: 436 Characteristics of Committed Children...
Florence Crittenton: Girl's Best Friend for 100 Years by Ellen Baumler with Independent Record
For the Love of Kids: Montana Deaconess School by Ellen Baumler with Independent Record
Early Social Service Was Women's Work in Women's History Matters
Lost Colleges: Intermountain Union College 1923 - 1947 in Helena, Montana
Montana Eugenics History by University of Vermont
Montana Eugenics History by University of Vermont
The Right to Procreate by Women's History Matters
Seattle Terrors: Northern State Mental Hospital
The Treatment of Tuberculosis in Asylums by Cambridge
Unsuspected (National Tuberculosis Association, 1951. Sales and marketing)
Case History of Lucy X (National Tuberculosis Association, 1945)
Unsuspected (National Tuberculosis Association, 1951. Sales and marketing)
Case History of Lucy X (National Tuberculosis Association, 1945)
Cloud in the Sky (National Tuberculosis Association, 1940. Propaganda for Hispanics)
60 Business Buzzwords by Top Source Talent
The Ultimate List of 119 Most-Hated Business Buzzwords by Trust Radius
The Dangers of Hubris by Effectiviology
Think Magazine: Satan's Cause, the Shocking Truth About Santa Clause
German New Medicine: A new paradigm and a new consciousness of medicine
Instruction on How to Drive a Model T Ford Detailed by David Kriegel
Think Magazine: Satan's Cause, the Shocking Truth About Santa Clause
German New Medicine: A new paradigm and a new consciousness of medicine
Instruction on How to Drive a Model T Ford Detailed by David Kriegel
Can't make a decision? Make your own digital spinning wheel!
FotoForensics provides tools and training for digital picture analysis. Is it photoshopped or not?
Tineye: a reverse image search engine
Bookworm Word Game on Solitaire Paradise (Made it to level 18!)
FantasticFiction.com - Search the complete works of 50,000+ authors with books and series listed in order.