Espial Design's Monthly Reading Challenges

JULY 2024 - Pens & Pencils - Pens or pencils...what's your point?

JUNE 2024 - Poetry! - "Joy, pain, and wonder, with a dash of dictionary."

APRIL 2024 - Karma! - "Deserved and served."

FEBRUARY 2024 - Be My Guest! - "Come join the party and meet the rest."

DECEMBER 2023 - Christmas Book Binge Reading - Rockin' around the Christmas Book Pile.

OCTOBER 2023 - Picture Book BINGO - Can't read just one.

SEPTEMBER 2023 - Back in School - Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

MAY 2023 - Blankets - Books and blankets...the snuggle is real.

APRIL 2023 - Marital Book Bliss - Read something old, new, borrowed, and blue.

MARCH 2023 - Happy Baba Marta! - Celebrate Bulgarian culture. Read red and white.

FEBRUARY 2023 - Book Title Haiku - A syllable counting good time.

JANUARY 2023 - Match Your Flannel - Cozy things up with flannel and a few good reads.

DECEMBER 2022 - Christmas Book Binge Reading - My true love gave to me...books!

OCTOBER 2022 - Dem Bones - Finger bones connected to the book back bones.

FALL and WINTER 2021 - BINGO! - Read until you blackout.

SUMMER 2021 - Alphabet Letter S - Read those supreme summer snippets.

MAY 2021 - It's All About Family - If you met my book family, you'd understand.

MARCH 2021 - "F" Words - Favorite "F" words.

DECEMBER 2020 - Christmas Book Binge Reading - And since we've no place to go...

SUMMER 2020 - Summer Scourge - Be very, very afraid.

MARCH 2020 - Create an Outfit - Wearing what's on the cover.

FEBRUARY 2020 - Sunny Yellow - All I can say is #stopraining. Bring on the sun!

JANUARY 2020 - Books on the Cover - If it looks like a book and smells like a book...

DECEMBER 2019 - Christmas Book Binge Reading - Deck the halls with holiday books.

AUGUST 2019 - Self-Reflection - Book titles that represent your here and now.

BONUS READS - Blackout Poetry - A pile of books on the subject.

JUNE 2019 - Leftovers, Again - Unread books from the previous six reading challenges.

MAY 2019 - The Dirt! - Dirt is a necessity, and so are books! Look for "dirt" in the title.

APRIL 2019 - The Kids' Picks - The young team's Middle Grade recommendations.

MARCH 2019 - Kismet Reads - What books do you feel destined to read this month?

FEBRUARY 2019 - Alphabet Letter V - Look for a "V" in the title.

JANUARY 2019 - An Acrostic Book List - First word in each title spells out a phrase.

DECEMBER 2018 - Christmas Book Binge Reading - Think quantity, not quality.

SEPTEMBER 2018 - The PBS Book List - Pick five "Great American Reads" and get busy.

AUGUST 2018 - Summer Camp - One of my favorite tropes thanks to the 1961 movie, Parent Trap.

JULY 2018 - Independence - Give Indie-authors a try. We're like garage bands, head-banging our keyboards and yelling, "Turn up the volume!" Write on!

JUNE 2018 - Leftovers - Pick unread books from the previous six reading challenges.

MAY 2018 - Alphabet Letter A - What's a good "A" word?

APRIL 2018 - The Kids’ List - Recommendations by the young team. Love me some Middle Grade.

MARCH 2018 - Shoes - Shoes on the cover. No brainer.

FEBRUARY 2018 - Wear Red - A Heart Art Challenge inspired list.

JANUARY 2018 - Make It Work - Books About Writing or Careers.

DECEMBER 2017 - Christmas Book Binge Reading - No time like the present.

NOVEMBER 2017 - Count Down - Read books that have numbers in the title. Do they add up?

OCTOBER 2017 - Thin Mints - Inspired by Girl Scout cookies and the need for speed.

MARCH 2017 - Green Book Covers - A popular color for the month.

FEBRUARY 2017 - Heart Art - Read a book where a heart is written or pictured on the cover.

2016 - Skinny Books - Don't judge a book by its page count.

MARCH 2016 - Green Covered Books - Imagination sparked! Who doesn't love a fun challenge?

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