I came across a blog post called "Picture Books for Careers" by Penelope Trunk where she mentions nine books for kids that she loves. I recognized one from her list, and my kids read three of them in their class. Curious, I thought to start the new year getting caught up with some career-oriented reading of my own, which will include books on writing.
Picture Books for Careers
Penelope Trunk's list of nine included a lot of out of print oldies. Some were not available at the library and had to be bought second-hand from sellers on Amazon. Here's her list:
1.) Lenore's Big Break by Nancy Carlson* (1992)
2.) The Money Tree by Sarah Stewart* (1994)
3.) The Quarter Note Cowpoke by James and Gale Potter (1985)
4.) Fenwick's Suit by David Small (1996)
5.) Teammates by Peter Golenbock* (1992)
6.) Bear and Bunny Grow Tomatoes by Bruce Koscielniak (1993)
7.) Paperboy by Dav Pilkey (2016)
8.) Frederick by Leo Lionni (1967)
9.) Tea With Milk by Allen Say* (2009)
10.) Another related book I'll add to this list is One Pizza, One Penny by K.T. Hao* (2003).
It's been quite some time since I've read this gem, but I remember the story having a positive message with regards to marketing and economy. I wanted to read it again, but the english version has been decommissioned from the King County Library System. Boo!
January "Make It Work" Reading Challenge
I dug around in my various reading piles for five career-oriented books to read this month. I bought Take Joy by Jane Yolen (2006) at an SCBWI conference and have had this book on my shelf for eight years. Now might be a good time to finally read it.
Writing Radar by Jack Gantos* (2017) is a book I gave to the 10-year old writer in my family for Christmas. The pages were immediately devoured, and the book loaned to me to read with high recommendations!
Insults & Comebacks by Knock Knock (2008) was something I picked up at a thrift store for some laughs. Perhaps it can help me create some witty dialogue.
Scene & Structure by Jack Bickham (1999) was something I was supposed to have read for a class I took, but didn't.
That leaves Creating Character Emotions by Amy Hood (1998), a book I picked up while window shopping at Barnes and Noble. Who knows how long it's been kicking around. Quite a while I'd guess. Maybe I'll finally get to it so I can pass it along.
May 2018 bring you health, wealth, and a lot of good books to read.
* A recommended read!
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." ~ Confucius
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