I need to pad my skeletal young adult romance story, the one I wrote for last November's NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words is not nearly enough and after the completion of my revisions class, I know where I need to go and what needs to get done. It will be a month of new writing woven together with mass editing.
With Independence Day and two weeks out of town visiting family (I haven't seen my brother and his family for 11 years!) I've got my work cut out for me, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to the challenge.
Camp NaNoWriMo questions:
Q. Things I never thought I'd find myself researching are...
A. Badgers, online gaming lingo, and native PNW plants.
Q. What is my goal for this July NaNoWriMo?
A. 25K total, 800 - 825 words per day.
Q. What are my self-imposed constraints for my writing?
A. Be mindful of each character's unique voice and motivations. Delve into the plot layers. Cherish the moments that need to be remembered.