Squirrels in the Forest
I'm making another attempt to brush the dust off and get back into the world of the creative. My goals for this year are to improve my portfolio by demonstrating my abilities to illustrate the following:1.) One pastoral scene.
2.) One urban scene.
3.) Three drawings of people (men, women, and children of all ages).
4.) One drawing of animals (either realistic or anthropomorphic).
5.) Three scenes showing either the same people or the same animals in action.
6.) One imaginative drawing.
Not coincidentally, these are the same requirements when applying for the Don Freeman Grant sponsored by SCBWI. The application for the grant is due January/February time frame, so next year, I'll be ready to submit.
I would love a critique since this will be included in my portfolio. One pastoral scene checked off the list.
great scene - love the way you created depth in the illustration - great coloring
The forest looks great, and the little house is lovely
Love the style, I think you need another element, something that is not so obvious, for the viewer to discover at their lesiure, at the moment our eye goes form the animals, to the house, back to the animals. Maybe a smaller animal on one of the distant trunks?
I like the work, mind you!
I really like the different textures in this, it's very lively!I can envision these guys running around...
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