Sunday, June 24, 2012

Revision Time

Robot and Mohawk
Project 33 and 34 of 365

My daughter came in while I was sketching a galloping horse. I was drawing circles and trying to get a feel for what the skeleton was doing. She said, "You're not very good at drawing robot horses, are you mommy? But you are good at drawing bunnies and kittens."

Then she proceeded to give me advice about either sticking with it until I get better or forgetting the whole thing. The way she said it was pure genius, of course.

I know I'm "nickel and diming" my sketches here...but I have been working on the revision portion of my childrens chapter book. Over the weekend, I went through all 11 chapters and feel like I have it buttoned up as tight as I can without outside input. I'm so looking forward to my crit group tomorrow to get some fresh eyes on my work.

1 comment:

Andrew Finnie said...

Hey Stacia, sorry I haven't been around, I am back on the planet now and my shoulder is almost normal. (well normal for me :) )

This is a great thing you are doing. It's good to be obssessed and be able to carry it through without giving up. And it's a big job but I cann see that your inner artist's eye is being opened. Making something everyday is a perfect way to become better at everything in our lives.

Oh children might be honest but that doesn't mean t hey are right!