Thursday, October 19, 2017

CURRENTLY: Writing Buddies

It's no secret to anyone that I love critters. As a kid growing up in rural Montana, we always had pets in the house, in the barn, all around. They were snuggly, scaly, creepy, crawly, but always cute. We had dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, chameleons, fish, turtles, guinea pigs, frogs, rabbits, ducks, ponies, and cows. Some at the same time, some not.

Romeo and His Bubble Nest

Currently, I have two rescue mutts and a new fascination with betta fish and snails. I went from zero last year to having four after a neighbor brought over her betta buddy in a cup. She asked me to fish sit and said I didn't have to return him, and if I wanted to name him...that worked, too. (Day 23) I'm such a sucker! So began my entry into the aquarium world.

Tilly Bean, Lazy Queen

So, that is four bettas (Trixie, Joel, Romeo and Molly), three snails (Shelby, Rocky, and Lollipop), and two dogs (Tilly and Tango) that keep me company while I write. I love that we're a big, happy and healthy family, who enjoy seeing each other during writing breaks, whether it's for a cup of coffee and a stretch, a quick belly rub or a scratch behind the ear, or even a crunchy blood worm here and there. We're all good :)

Trixie the Veil Tail

Tango Fett

Marvin the Mystery Snail


"I ask my pets, What should I do? and they reply, It's up to you."
~ Stacia Leigh on asking writing buddies about writer's block

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