Monday, December 24, 2018

Nevada: Sharing Books with Little Free Libraries

One House's Christmas Spirit

While sauntering the streets of Boulder City, Nevada one afternoon--Just some Seattlites soaking up much needed sunshine--we came across the house above and thought, "Whoa." Unlit, there's not much to see, but a gaudy display of electrical cords, bulbs, plastic and plywood. But when we returned that evening, it certainly packed a magical punch. "Wow!" Since our first discovery, we've returned at least six times to bask in the Christmas cheer. I was happy to read they made the news, winning a national competition, and earning $50K, which will probably go toward their electricity bill. Thank you to the Ryan/Musgrave family for sharing their unique talent and helping us to see the light, literally.

In keeping with the Christmas spirit, I shared copies of Sounds Complicated and Distance Between with the locals via Little Free Libraries in Boulder City and Henderson, Nevada. It was so much fun distributing books around Kalispell, MT last summer that I came prepared for the holidays.

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus and a Heart Cactus
Distance Between in Boulder City Free Little Library #1

Happy Holidays!
"I brake for Little Free Libraries."
Sounds Complicated in Boulder City and Henderson, NV

      "A book is a gift you can open again and again." ~ Garrison Keillor

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