After meeting with my writer's critique group in Renton, I decided to meander my way back home by way of Little Free Libraries. I truly enjoyed the search, the book sharing--leaving behind the books I wrote, the books I've read, and my crafty bookmarks--and posting these cute little houses on the dub-dub-dub. My friend called it guerrilla I prefer using the word "organic."
Grant Street
Second Avenue
Some of the houses have quite a fresh stack, new titles with lots of variety: mysteries, romances, picture books, middle grade, art, intrigue... And some, like the LFL on Second Avenue, had a little something extra, a wooden box for trading seeds. Cute!
Pelly Avenue
Carved Sculpture on Jones Avenue
Some of the libraries held faded books with warped covers, old titles, or a slog of reading material on container gardening, like one neighbor had an interest to share, not leaving much of a variety. Of the eight houses I visited, two didn't have libraries anymore. The one on Jones Street had an empty post, but sadly no library. But wow, really glad I stopped because that wood carving in the front yard was breathtaking. I even saw a small pasture in the middle of urban Renton with a donkey. And so it goes...
86th Street
84th Way
73rd Street
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