Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Developmental Edit: Outlook Good

Sometimes a person has to break through a barrier of some kind (sorry Magic 8 Ball!) to manifest the kind of change their looking for. Persevere mentally, brick-by-brick, word-by-word because you want it bad enough. Don't give up! For me, I wanted the outlook to be good, and after a couple whacks with my hammer I got it ;)

Outlook good!

After taking four years to write, rearrange, get critiques, and write some more, I finally have completed my third story. It was a long, arduous haul, and I was pretty nervous sending it off to my developmental editor. It's a blessing and a curse and her job to not hold back, so I expected the same treatment that I got for my first two books. Instead, I got a lift! Good news--only a few minor changes ahead!


"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress no matter how slow." ~ Plato

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