Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Book #3: First Sneak Peak

Book #3 is completely written, rewritten, edited, formatted, polished and ready for consumption, but is currently in a holding pattern due to a contest I entered back in March. I can't publish until the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) names the WIP Award winners! Could be later today...could be Halloween.

While I wait, here's a sneak peak of chapter one using TagCrowd, whose claim to fame is to "Create your own word cloud from any text to visualize word frequency." Great for editing to all you authors and writers out there.

Book #3: First Chapter's Word (Tag) Cloud

You might ask, What's this book about? My answer: Stay tuned :) I realize this isn't much to go on except to show I have unusual character names, and I used the words "hands" and "something" and "turned" often enough. So curious!


"Have something funny to say..."

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