Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Illustration Friday: Sticky

Tape Ball Man

When I saw the theme for Illustration Friday this week, I knew I had to bring Tape Ball Man to life. I've had a trading card series on my mind for several months. It first started out as roommate trading cards and is now morphing into circus freak trading cards. This one is dedicated to my house-mate, Scotty Potty. The text reads:

Who's sticky, big, and
there when you need...
picking up friends with
gath'ring speed?

It's the Tape Ball Man
rolling towards you.
When he gets close, you'll...
stick like glue.


Franfou said...

Thats hot !!!!

trowbridge chronicles said...

Funny idea!

Ryan said...

Excellent textures on the tape man. can't wait to see what other circus freaks you come up with.

carla said...

Very funny! What a great character:>

Ken Chandler said...

Tape ball man, what a funny concept. Why did't I think of it? Thanks for posting, and for dropping by my blog. Thanks 2 for your comments.

Anonymous said...

Haha, so funny!

turquoise cro said...

tape ball man!!! lol O! I get soooo mad at him sometimes!!! tooooo sticky and eeeek! a hair is stuck! I hate hairs on tape!!! lol
GREAT sticky topic my dear!