"Family history, things that have been passed down from one family member to the next, family values, all influence me as an artist, whether I'm consciously aware of it or not.My first vacation with my husband's family was last year in Bulgaria. While there, we met distant relatives, bought the pottery you see below, played on the beach, and went site seeing. We traveled through Sofia, Nessebar, Sozopol, and Sinemorets. It was an awesome vacation, soaking up great weather, history, culture, and family time.
I wonder how others are influenced or inspired by their families - either past or present. What family treasures might be found in others' studios?" - Ellen

Bulgarian pottery

Local beach in Sinemorets
The wind-up toy bear belonged to my grandpa. He loved kids and played with us often when we were young and growing up. I feel lucky that we lived close during those years. I have lots of fond memories! When he died, my mother passed the bear down to me so I could have a part of him here always. Now looking at the bear, I feel inspired to create a character...maybe tell the bear's story!

Wind-up toy bear
That bear has seen a lot of love! You are lucky to have it passed on to you. I am a big believer in energy connecting itself to objects and this bear looks like he brings great positive energy with him.
What a wonderful treasure this bear is! He must hold so many sweet memories for you. The Bulgarian pottery is gorgeous...such a tangible reminder of family influence and heritage.
Absolutely fabulous entry today! That bear holds more than just wires and springs.. he holds memories that will be treasured forever! Write them down, remember them and YES! Create a character to tell his story!!!
I, too, took a trip overseas to see the 'old country' with my husband's family and it was a trip that I will remember forever. It's amazing how things that aren't necessarily OLD can identify with ancestry!
Thanks for sharing!
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