The challenge: "My post included my puppy and I received all kinds of cool comments of artists describing their four legged companions. I'd LOVE to see pictures of all of their companions! So how about Art Studio Sidekicks?

Princess B.B. on Her Throne

And Then Everything Went White... sweet animaniacs. Their personalities are so cute, intriguing and fun. I love to watch them, play with them, snuggle. BB (ahem, Princess BB) is a big girl and likes to eat. She goes nuts for chocolate and will get into anything wrapped or unwrapped. One time I found her digging in my commuter bag, fanging the halloween candy I had planned taking to work that day. Another time she got so fat (eating the neighbor cat's food) that she weighed 17 pounds and couldn't lick her privates! The vet gave me butt wipes until she could loose the weight. I think the neighbor cat moved, because BB lost 5 pounds and looks good! BUT, now I find her eating out of the dog food bowl! She begs and screams when it's hours before her dinner time! These are only her shortcomings. There are good things too...but since she just scratched me, I won't mention them. Hmmphf!

Hannah on Squirrel Patrol

Gathering Intelligence!
Sweet Hannah Banana was a pound puppy. I saved her and she saved me. My first dog and oh-so-sensitive and loving. She has so much love to give that she wishes she were velcro. She can't get close enough, be pet enough, or hear cooing enough. She gets really attached to people and cries when she sees them again. She's so emotional! She's also very smart and is trying to communicate with us through dog food braille. She spells out things on the living room carpet and waits for us to read her messages...but we're too dumb to figure it out. I just pick it up and put it back in her bowl. Maybe it's a secret message regarding the squirrels...
Oh my the crown! Don't all cats think they're royalty, really? LOL :) Cute pups, too!
What a great crown!
Omg this really made me laugh!! Princess B.B.'s eyes say it ALL!! "I am QUEEN! HEAR ME MEOW!" Whoa a chocolate eating CAT! Hmm seems like a perfect cat for me! who likes to eat chocolate alone? heh heh heh!
She's a piece of work! LOVE what you did here with the crown and clouds on her and also on Hannah's camoflage coller and "US SQUIRREL PATROL" that is just TOO FUNNY!!
Have a great weekend
ps - I wouldn't turn my back on Princess B.B. for one second!
Princess BB is a beauty. But my heart is crying for a pup like Hannah. Her squirrel patrol is a hoot.
Love the crown...don't think I could get Hepburn to wear it!! Once tried to get a photo of her with a halo on her head but she was having none of it!!
Ouissi x
How cute!
I LOVE this post - so humorous and creative! I LOVE black labs but I'm allegeric to them (that's why I have a poodle!). The cat pictures are great too! Love kitties but they make both me and my husband asmatic. We sound like a mess don't we? :-) Thanks for the fabulous post!
Your pets are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!
Okay, first of all, love the crown! How hilarious! And Hannah! I'd love her to come over and play with Candy! What sweetness she is and I love her story!
our Mabel is a fatty just like your BB. here's a photo of her at her fattest
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