1.) I'm currently ignoring my garden as shown by the aphids on this overgrown broccoli, which went to bloom. Oh, ladybugs! Where art thou?
2.) I'm currently finishing How to Market a Book by Joanna Penn. I'm done reading it, but need to research my sticky notes before I return it to my writ-crit buddy at our meeting tomorrow. She's critiquing the third chapter of my third young adult romance. Can't wait to see what she has for me.
3.) I'm currently judging a book by its cover. I bought Return to Augie Hobble by Lane Smith today at the University Bookstore in Bellevue. I don't know what it's about, but the cover sure looks cool. Love the artwork.
4.) Today, I played tennis with the family and saw snowberry shrubs with teeny-weeny pink blossoms. It reminded me of being a kid in the Flathead Valley where these grew everywhere.
5.) Tonight, while snuggling with my little Tilly Bean, I couldn't help but admire her underbite. I think she must be camera-shy, because when I pointed my phone at her for a snapshot, she got all freaky-eyed. She's a cutie-pie...honest!
"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams."
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