Sunday, February 05, 2017

Fabulous Five: Heart Art Challenge, Week 1

The #HeartArtChallenge has begun. Here's me #PuttingLoveOutThere for #ValentinesMonth.

1.) I decorated the art wall at school with a heart art project, which inspired this month's challenge.

2.) It made me think of 28 ways to fill 28 days, so I made a list and started a board on Pinterest to get the creative juices flowing.

3.) How about a haiku, blackout poem with hearts? Boom! Done.


Like a beating heart,
Of course, you're a part of me.
This door is open.

4.) Then, like kismet, a young friend posted a link where she is jumping rope to raise funds for the American Heart Association, a great cause, and one that hits pretty close to home. It gave me the idea to make a donation based on how many hoops were made at a girls basketball game yesterday. The team is a community league, and they call themselves the Jawbreakers, "Sweet but can hurt you." Nine baskets! Great game.

$90 to Hoops for Hearts

5.) Finally, I'll sign off with a cute picture of Tilly Bean disrespecting the heart pillow:

Hospital Heart Pillow

Hospital Heart Pillow with a 9-pounder,
Not the "elephant on the chest" feeling.

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